Jakarta Film Week Siap Hadir di Oktober 2022


Jakarta, 16 September 2022 – Jakarta Film Week (JFW), festival film bertaraf internasional kembali hadir di tahun ini pada 13-16 Oktober 2022, secara daring dan luring. Jumpa pers peluncuran JFW 2022 diadakan secara daring dan luring pada Jumat, 16 September 2022 di CGV FX Sudirman, Jakarta. Acara ini dihadiri oleh Gumilar Ekalaya selaku Kepala Bidang Ekonomi Kreatif Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif DKI Jakarta, Vivian Idris selaku Board Festival, Rina Damayanti selaku Festival Director JFW, Novi Hanabi selaku Program Manager, Jourdy Pranata sebagai Festival Ambassador JFW 2022 dan Susanti Dewi, perwakilan dari IDN Pictures.

“Jakarta hadir sebagai kota yang merespon kegiatan ekonomi kreatif dan juga memfasilitasi ruang dan kebutuhan film, baik dari penonton dan juga industri yang terus berkembang” ungkap Andhika Permata, Kepala Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif DKI Jakarta, dalam sambutan pembukaan Press Conference hari ini. Jakarta Film Week edisi kedua akan mengusung tema Emerge, kembali diinisiasi oleh Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Provinsi DKI Jakarta.

Pemilihan tema ini, berkaitan dengan harapan baru yang muncul pasca-pandemi, seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Gumilar Ekalaya, Kepala Bidang Ekonomi Kreatif Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif DKI Jakarta. “Di tahun kedua penyelenggaraannya, Jakarta Film Week mengusung tema Emerge. Karena pandemi sudah mereda, saat ini kita bisa melihat kesempatan baru. Dengan begitu harapannya festival ini bisa menjadi wadah untuk emerging atau kemunculan baru bagi para filmmaker. Semoga di tahun-tahun berikutnya festival film bertaraf internasional ini tetap hadir meramaikan industri perfilman dan terus didukung oleh Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Provinsi DKI Jakarta,” tutur Gumilar Ekalaya.



Tahun ini Jakarta Film Week masih memiliki dua program utama, yaitu program pemutaran film dan non pemutaran film. Program pemutaran film akan terdiri dari 3 program, yaitu Global Feature (merupakan pemutaran film panjang terpilih baik dari Indonesia maupun internasional), Global Short (pemutaran film pendek menampilkan film-film pendek terpilih, baik dari Indonesia maupun Internasional), dan Jakarta Film Fund (kompetisi ide cerita pembuatan film pendek).


Dalam program pemutaran film juga akan ada sesi kompetisi yang terdiri dari, Global Feature Award (penghargaan film panjang internasional terbaik), Direction Award (penghargaan film panjang Indonesia terbaik), Global Short Award (penghargaan film pendek internasional terbaik), Jakarta Film Fund Award (penghargaan film hasil produksi pemenang Jakarta Film Fund), Global Animation Award (penghargaan film animasi pendek), dan Series of The Year (penghargaan series orisinal yang tayang di OTT).

“Semangat besar dari tim program untuk Jakarta Film Week 2022 kali ini setara dengan antusias besar para penggiat industri film, mulai dari jumlah pendaftar kompetisi film yang meningkat dari tahun lalu, hingga program-program baru yang lebih bervariasi untuk berbagai lini. Semoga program-program yang kami tawarkan di Jakarta Film Week tahun ini turut mengambil andil besar bagi perkembangan industri film bagi tanah air maupun internasional,” ujar Novi Hanabi, selaku Program Manager JFW 2022.

Untuk program non pemutaran film, terdiri dari; Masterclass (pelatihan untuk para profesional industri film dengan narasumber berpengalaman di industri film internasional), Talks (diskusi publik seputar industri film dengan panelis yang inovatif dan berpengalaman), Community (ruang berbagi komunitas film untuk memperluas jaringan dan bertukar pengetahuan dengan para ahli di industri film), Jakarta Film Fund (kompetisi ide cerita pembuatan film pendek, dengan 3 proposal yang terpilih akan mendapatkan dukungan produksi, teknis dan pelatihan), Road to Jakarta Film Week (Kegiatan yang berjalan menjelang acara puncak Jakarta Film Week 2022). Acara ini berkolaborasi dengan instansi edukasi film di Indonesia, berbentuk diskusi dan bincang dengan praktisi industri film.


Selain diskusi dan bincang dengan praktisi industri film, Road to Jakarta Film Week juga berupa penayangan 24 film pendek secara eksklusif di Vidio.com, hasil kolaborasi dari instansi edukasi film di Indonesia, dan Exhibition (ruang pameran dan pertemuan untuk pekerja film, prakerja film, prakarsa teknologi, investor dan penonton).

Satu program terbaru lainnya di tahun ini yaitu Producer’s Lab. Program hasil kolaborasi dengan Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia dan Platform BUSAN, yang secara eksklusif memfasilitasi para produser film Indonesia untuk siap berkompetisi secara lokal dan internasional. Yulia Evina Bhara, produser film asal Indonesia dan Alemberg Ang, produser film asal Filipina akan menjadi mentor program ini. Peserta yang terpilih akan mendapat kesempatan untuk mengikuti Platform BUSAN 2023.

Dengan sejumlah program baru, penyelenggaraan JFW 2022 diharap bisa lebih fresh sekaligus wujud dukungan pada bangkitnya industri film pasca-pandemi. “Di tahun kedua Jakarta Film Week ini, dengan bangga kami menghadirkan program-program baru dan program kolaborasi dengan berbagai mitra, mulai dari roadshow ke kampus-kampus dalam rangkaian Road to Jakarta Film Week hingga kategori baru untuk penghargaan, Series of The Year dan Global Short Animation. Kami juga memiliki satu program baru yaitu Producer’s Lab, yang dapat menjadi wadah untuk berkembangnya industri film secara lokal maupun internasional. Selain itu, dengan semangat emerge kami menghadirkan wajah baru yaitu Jourdy Pranata sebagai festival ambassador,” ungkap Rina Damayanti, selaku Festival Director JFW 2022.

Di tahun kedua ini JFW menerima pendaftar film mencapai 461 film yang berasal dari 28 negara. Film Balada Si Roy produksi IDN Pictures dipilih menjadi film pembuka JFW 2022. Pemutaran tersebut sekaligus menjadi momen world premiere untuk film Balada Si Roy. “Balada Si Roy adalah Intellectual Property (IP) yang tak lekang zaman, kini kami hadirkan kembali untuk menyapa penggemar lama maupun anak muda masa kini. Kami dari IDN Pictures sangat bangga dan senang bisa membawa film ini sebagai pembuka dan turut berkompetisi di Jakarta Film Week. Pemutaran ini jadi lebih spesial karena World Premiere, di mana lebih dulu dari pemutaran reguler di bioskop. Dengan berpartisipasi, semoga dapat menjadi tontonan yang menghibur bagi penonton di Jakarta Film Week,” tutur Susanti Dewi, produser Film Balada Si Roy.

Penyelenggaraan Jakarta Film Week secara luring tahun ini akan diadakan di 3 lokasi berbeda, yaitu; CGV Grand Indonesia dan Kineforum Taman Ismail Marzuki untuk program pemutaran film dan non pemutaran film, Ashley Hotel untuk Program Producer’s Lab.

Sementara penyelenggaraan secara daring akan tayang secara eksklusif di Vidio.com. “Kehadiran platform OTT dalam industri perfilman Indonesia adalah sebuah inovasi yang disruptif. Dengan adanya platform OTT, lahir banyak peluang dan kesempatan bagi para produsen film dan kreator konten lokal. Selain itu, platform OTT-pun menjadi jalur distribusi komplementer untuk memperkenalkan hasil karya cerita para anak bangsa. Vidio, sebagai platform OTT terbesar di Indonesia sekaligus rumah bagi karya serial original (Vidio Original Series) memberikan dukungan penuh atas terselenggaranya Jakarta Film Week tahun 2022, yang menjadi wadah dan ajang apresiasi atas konten penyiaran hasil karya anak bangsa. Kami berharap ajang ini dapat menjadi motivasi bagi para kreator perfilman Indonesia untuk terus semangat dan berkarya,” ujar Monika Rudijono selaku Managing Director Vidio menyampaikan.

Jakarta Film Week diharapkan menjadi wadah bagi para pelaku industri film Indonesia, terutama di Jakarta agar semakin berkembang baik secara wacana, keterampilan juga pengembangan jaringan. Selain itu dapat menjadi pemicu bagi industri film di daerah lain untuk semakin berkembang sehingga bisa meningkatkan kualitas industri film di Indonesia secara keseluruhan. Seluruh program dan informasi terkait Jakarta Film Week sudah dapat diakses di laman www.jakartafilmweek.com dan Instagram @jakartafilmweek.



Jakarta Film Week kembali lagi! Setelah sukses dengan edisi perdana tahun lalu, festival kami yang tercinta akan kembali menerangi layar-layar perak di ibukota Indonesia. Acara utama akan berlangsung pada 13-16 Oktober 2022, dengan rencana roadshow dan berbagai program publik di bulan-bulan menjelang festival. Tim kami saat ini sedang bekerja keras untuk mempersiapkan petualangan sinema Anda berikutnya.


Tema tahun ini: “Emerge”. Lahir ketika pandemi sedang tinggi-tingginya, Jakarta Film Week telah menjadi saksi atas berbagai perubahan dan pergumulan yang dipaksakan oleh krisis kesehatan global. Pandemi masih ada sampai hari ini, tapi kini kita bisa melihat secercah cahaya baru. Sebuah tanda akan zaman baru, yang kami hendak jelajahi bersama kawan-kawan semua lewat film-film pilihan dari berbagai pojok dunia serta kegiatan bersama beragam pelaku industri dan komunitas film.


Baik offline maupun online, Jakarta Film Week menyediakan tempat untuk kawan-kawan semua. Sampai jumpa di ruang menonton!




Film Panjang Kompetisi :

Arnold is a Model Student / Sorayos Prapapan / Thailand, Singapore, France, Netherlands, Philippines

Balada si Roy / Fajar Nugros / Indonesia

Galang / Adriyanto Dewo / Indonesia

Huesera / Michelle Garza Cervera / Mexico, Peru

Mencuri Raden Saleh / Angga Sasongko / Indonesia

Melchior the Apothecary / Elmo Nuganen / Estonia, Latvia, Germany

Nana (Before Now & Then) / Kamila Andini / Indonesia





Film Pendek Kompetisi :

Buried Bullet / Ali Nazha / Lebanon

Basiyat: Bathe My Corpse With Wine / Ahmad Faiz / Indonesia

Cake Day! / Ribka Natalia / Indonesia

Gabriel (Berita Duka Hari Ini) / Candra Aditya / Indonesia

James English Academy / Kim Kwon-hoan / South Korea

Jumawut Night / Yudhatama / Indonesia

Late Blooming in a Lonely Summer Day / Sein Lyan Tun/ Myanmar

Moshari / Nuhash Humayun / Bangladesh

Nauha (Eve of a Eulogy) / Pratham Khurana / India

Nusa Antara / Azalia Muchransyah & Firman Widyasmara / Indonesia

Sweet Squad (Pasukan Semut) / Haris Supiandi / Indonesia

Such Small Hands / Maria Martinez Bayona / UK

Sigarane Nyowo / Yudhatama / Indonesia (Jogja)

Serangan Oemoem! / Fajar Martha Santosa / Indonesia

Tankboy / Novella / Singapore

What About Mother Earth / Pamela Suryadjaya / Indonesia







Website : www.jakartafilmweek.com

Instagram : @jakartafilmweek

Twitter : @jakartafilmweek

Facebook : Jakarta Film Week

Whatsapp : Nada (+62 857-685-7903)

Email : [email protected]


Press Release

Jakarta Film Week Ready to Be Back in October 2022

Jakarta, 16 September 2022 – Jakarta Film Week (JFW), an international film festival, is back this year on 13-16 October 2022 both online and offline. The press conference for the launch of JFW 2022 will be held online and offline on Friday, 16 September 2022, at CGV FX Sudirman, Jakarta. This event will be attended by Gumilar Ekalaya as Head of the Creative Economy Division of DKI Jakarta Provincial Tourism and Creative Economy Office, Vivian Idris as Festival Board, Rina Damayanti as Festival Director, Novi Hanabi as Program Manager, Jourdy Pranata as Festival Ambassador, and Susanti Dewi as a representative from IDN Pictures.

“Jakarta serves as a city that responds to creative economic activities and facilitates the space and needs for films, from both the audience and the growing industry,” said Andhika Permata, Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Tourism and Creative Economy Office, in his opening remarks for today’s Press Conference. The second Jakarta Film Week highlighting the theme Emerge is again initiated by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Tourism and Creative Economy Office.

The theme was chosen to represent new hopes emerging after the pandemic, as expressed by Gumilar Ekalaya, Head of the Creative Economy Division of the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Office. “In its second year of implementation, the Jakarta Film Week carries the theme ‘Emerge’. As the pandemic has subsided, we now can see new opportunities. This festival is expected to become a platform for the emergence of a new start for filmmakers. Hopefully, in the following years this international film festival will remain present to enliven the film industry and continue to be supported by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Tourism and Creative Economy Office,” said Gumilar Ekalaya.




This year, the Jakarta Film Week still has two main programs, namely film screenings and non-film screenings. The film screening program will consist of 3 subprograms, namely the Global Feature (screening of selected feature films both from Indonesia and overseas), the Global Short (screening of selected short films, both from Indonesia and overseas), and the Jakarta Film Fund (short film story idea competition).


In the film screening program, there will also be a competition session consisting of the Global Feature Award (best international feature film award), the Direction Award (best Indonesian feature film award), the Global Short Award (best international short film award), the Jakarta Film Fund Award (award for films produced by the Jakarta Film Fund), the Global Animation Award (animated short film award), and the Series of The Year (original series award that aired on OTT).

“The massive enthusiasm of the program team for the Jakarta Film Week 2022 this time is equivalent to the immense enthusiasm of film industry activists, starting from the increasing number of registrants for film competition from last year to a new variety of programs for various lines. Hopefully, the programs that we offer at this year’s Jakarta Film Week will also play a big role in the development of the film industry for the country and internationally,” said Novi Hanabi, Program Manager of JFW 2022.

The non-film screening programs consist of the Masterclass (training for film industry professionals with experienced speakers in the international film industry), the Talks (public discussions about the film industry with innovative and experienced panelists), the Community (sharing space for the film community to expand networks and exchange knowledge with film industry experts), the Jakarta Film Fund (short film story idea competition, with 3 selected proposals receiving production, technical and training support), the Road to Jakarta Film Week (a series of activities held ahead of the peak event of Jakarta Film Week 2022). This event is held in close collaboration with film education institutions in Indonesia, in the form of discussions and talks with film industry practitioners.


In addition to discussions and talks with film industry practitioners, the Road to Jakarta Film Week will also show 24 short films exclusively on Vidio.com, as a result of collaboration with film education institutions in Indonesia, and host the Exhibition (exhibition and meeting space for film workers, film professionals, technology initiatives, investors, and audiences).

Another new program this year is the Producer’s Lab, a program as a result of collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia and Platform BUSAN, which exclusively facilitates Indonesian film producers to compete domestically and internationally. Yulia Evina Bhara, a film producer from Indonesia, and Alemberg Ang, a film producer from the Philippines, will be mentors for this program. The selected participants will have the opportunity to take part in Platform BUSAN 2023.

With several new programs, the implementation of JFW 2022 is expected to be fresher as well as a form of support for the rise of the post-pandemic film industry. “In the second year of Jakarta Film Week, we are proud to introduce new programs and collaborative programs with different partners, ranging from roadshows to campuses in the Road to Jakarta Film Week to new award categories, namely the Series of The Year and the Global Short Animation. We also have a new program, namely the Producer’s Lab, which will serve as a platform for the development of the film industry domestically and internationally. In addition, with the spirit of emergence, we present a new face, Jourdy Pranata as the festival ambassador, “said Rina Damayanti, Festival Director of JFW 2022.

In this second year, the JFW has received 461 films registered from 28 countries. The film Balada Si Roy produced by IDN Pictures has been chosen as the opening film for JFW 2022. The screening will also be a world premiere for the film. “Balada of Si Roy is a manifestation of intellectual property (IP) that is timeless. Now we bring it back to greet longtime fans and young people of today. We at IDN Pictures are very proud and happy to be able to bring this film as an opening and to compete in the Jakarta Film Week. This screening feels even more special because it will serve as the World Premiere of the film, which precedes its regular screenings in theaters. The presence of the film can hopefully be an entertaining spectacle


for the audience at the Jakarta Film Week,” said Susanti Dewi, producer of Balada Si Roy.

This year’s offline Jakarta Film Week will be held in 3 different locations, namely CGV Grand Indonesia, Kineforum at Taman Ismail Marzuki for film screenings and non-film screenings programs, and Ashley Hotel for the Producer’s Lab.

Meanwhile, the online event will be broadcasted exclusively on Vidio.com. “The presence of OTT platforms is a disruptive innovation in the Indonesian film industry. OTT platforms offer many opportunities for film producers and local content creators. In addition, OTT platforms also serve as complementary distribution channels to introduce the works of Indonesian film talents. Vidio, the largest OTT platform in Indonesia as well as the home for original series works (Vidio Original Series), provides full support for the implementation of the Jakarta Film Week in 2022, which is an event and occasion for the celebration of broadcast content created by the nation’s talents. We hope that this event motivates Indonesian film creators to continue to be enthusiastic and work, “said Monika Rudijono as Managing Director of Vidio.

The Jakarta Film Week is anticipated to be a platform for Indonesian film industry players, especially in Jakarta, to develop in terms of discourse, skills, and networks. In addition, it can be a trigger for the film industry in other regions to grow so that the overall quality of the film industry across Indonesia improves. All programs and information related to the Jakarta Film Week can now be accessed on www.jakartafilmweek.com and Instagram @jakartafilmweek.




Jakarta Film Week is back again! After the success of last year’s inaugural edition, our beloved festival will once again light up the silver screens in the Indonesian capital. The main event will take place on October 13-16, 2022, with planned roadshows and various public programs in the months leading up to the festival. Our team is currently working hard to prepare for your next cinema adventure.


Jakarta Film Week is back again! After the success of last year’s inaugural edition, our beloved festival will once again illuminate the silver screens in the Indonesian capital. The main event will take place on 13-16 October 2022, with scheduled roadshows and various programs for the public in the months leading up to the festival. Our team is working hard to prepare for your next cinema adventure.


This year highlights the theme ‘Emerge’. Born when the pandemic was at its peak, the Jakarta Film Week has witnessed the changes and struggles imposed by the global health crisis. The pandemic is still present today, but now we can see a new ray of light. A sign of a new era that we want to explore with all of you through selected films from different corners of the world and activities with various industry players and the film community.

Both offline and online, the Jakarta Film Week provides a space for all of you. See you in the screening room!



Feature Films In Competition:

Arnold is a Model Student / Sorayos Prapapan / Thailand, Singapore, France, Netherlands, Philippines

Balada si Roy / Fajar Nugros / Indonesia

Galang / Adriyanto Dewo / Indonesia

Huesera / Michelle Garza Cervera / Mexico, Peru

Mencuri Raden Saleh / Angga Sasongko / Indonesia



Melchior the Apothecary / Elmo Nuganen / Estonia, Latvia, Germany

Nana (Before Now & Then) / Kamila Andini / Indonesia


Short Films In Competition :

Buried Bullet / Ali Nazha / Lebanon

Basiyat: Bathe My Corpse With Wine / Ahmad Faiz / Indonesia

Cake Day! / Ribka Natalia / Indonesia

Gabriel (Berita Duka Hari Ini) / Candra Aditya / Indonesia

James English Academy / Kim Kwon-hoan / South Korea

Jumawut Night / Yudhatama / Indonesia

Late Blooming in a Lonely Summer Day / Sein Lyan Tun/ Myanmar

Moshari / Nuhash Humayun / Bangladesh

Nauha (Eve of a Eulogy) / Pratham Khurana / India

Nusa Antara / Azalia Muchransyah & Firman Widyasmara / Indonesia

Sweet Squad (Pasukan Semut) / Haris Supiandi / Indonesia

Such Small Hands / Maria Martinez Bayona / UK

Sigarane Nyowo / Yudhatama / Indonesia (Jogja)

Serangan Oemoem! / Fajar Martha Santosa / Indonesia

Tankboy / Novella / Singapore

What About Mother Earth / Pamela Suryadjaya / Indonesia





Website : www.jakartafilmweek.com

Instagram : @jakartafilmweek

Twitter : @jakartafilmweek

Facebook : Jakarta Film Week

Whatsapp : Nada (+62 857-685-7903)

Email : [email protected]



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