Hula Sobat Mondi, selamat datang! Di segmen ini, Admin akan full ngebacot soal sutradara nyentrik kelewat gothic kesayangan Hollywood: Papap Tim Burton. Di sini, lo akan diajak untuk mengungkap metode yang dipakai Papap sebagai konseptor, produser, sutradara, dan animator. Lebih jauh lagi, lo akan dibikin njawab sendiri mitos soal Papap, whether dia beneran asli dark abis atau nggak. Semoga...


By 2050, plastic waste swimming in the ocean will weigh more than fish. Today, "Beat Plastic Pollution" echoes as the theme of World Environment Day 2018. A wake up call to every single one of us, to urgently reduce single-use plastic polluting our oceans, damaging marine life and threatening human health. This short clip by Mondiblanc's Offline Workshop class shows us,...